Elm Green Preparatory School

Elm Green Prep School

Elm Green Preparatory School

Life at Elm Green Preparatory School Life at Elm Green Preparatory School Life at Elm Green Preparatory School Life at Elm Green Preparatory School Life at Elm Green Preparatory School Life at Elm Green Preparatory School


School Life and the Curriculum


The main aim of the school is to provide a secure and stimulating environment in which students are encouraged and challenged to fulfill their potential. It is our belief that students will learn and do their best when their social and emotional needs are met in a friendly welcoming environment.

The curriculum is broad and balanced with specialist teachers involved from the outset to ensure that children’s learning can be extended and individual support and guidance can be provided. By Years 5 and 6 all subjects are taught by specialist teachers with a class teacher to oversee the pastoral care of each child

The curriculum

The school has a strong academic tradition and an excellent record of success in external examinations including the Essex 11plus and independent school entrance examinations. Students also complete the National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments.

Considerable attention is given to ensuring that a secure foundation is laid for future learning.

The development of reading and literacy is a key to all learning and given a high priority, particularly in the early years, when an individual reading programme is monitored on a daily basis. Parental involvement is encouraged at all stages.

Curriculum Meetings with parents are arranged for each year group at the start of the academic year. Workshops in reading and maths are also arranged to support parents’ understanding of the techniques and approaches used in school.

For more information regarding each of our curriculum subject areas, please view our 'Curriculum' page.